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JULY 1: Marxism and Sexuality from Reich and Sex-Pol through Marcuse's Sexual Politics to Contemporary Marxist Analyses of Sexuality (Paul Reynolds)

Peter. Drucker, (2014) ‘Conceptions of Sexual Freedom in Marcuse, Foucault and Rubin’. The Journal of the International Network of Sexual Ethics and Politics 2 (1): 31-38.

Holly Lewis, (2022 Revived Ed). The Politics of Everybody: Feminism, Queer Theory and Marxism at the Intersection. London: Zed Books (Introductions)

Paul Reynolds (2003) ‘Some Thoughts on Marxism and Theorising of Sexuality and Sexual Politics in Pasteur P, Niederacher S and Mesner M (eds) Sexualitat Unterschichtenmilieus und ArbeiterInnenbewegung, Leipzig: Akademische Verlagsanstalt

Paul Reynolds (2018) Sexual Capitalism: Marxist Reflections on Sexual Politics Culture and Economy in the 21st Century in Triple C 16-2, p 696-706

JULY 3: Foucault after Spinoza, Marx, Lacan: Labor-Power and Radical Revisions of Bios and Biopower (Kiarina Kordela)

︎ Kiarina Kordela “Biopolitics, From Tribes to Commodity Fetishism,” in Differences 24: 1 (Spring 2013): 1-29.

︎ “Monsters of Biopower: Terror(ism) and Horror in the Era of Affect,” in the special issue on “The Power of the Monstrous,” ed. Filippo De Lucchese and Caroline A. Williams, of Philosophy Today, 60:1 (Winter 2016): Pages 193-205.

Michel Foucault's “Society Must Be Defended”: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1975-6, trans. David Macey. New York: Picador, 2003: Chapter 11

Baruch Spinoza, The Ethics and Selected Letters, Translated by Samuel Shirley, Hackett Publishing, Company, Inc. 1982: Part 1 of the Ethics

Beth Lord, Spinoza's Ethics, Indiana University Press, 2010: Pages 10 - 48

Kiarina Kordela, “(Psychoanalytic) Biopolitics & Bioracism,” in Umbr(a) (2011): 10-25 (republished as “(Marxian-Psychoanalytic) Biopolitics & Bioracism,” in Penumbr(a), ed. Sigi Jöttkandt  and Joan Copjec. Melbourne: Re. Press, 2013: Pages 279-291

A. Kiarina Kordela, “Spinoza’s Biopolitics: Commodification of Substance and Secular Immortality” in Spinoza’s Authority, Volume 1: Resistance and Power in Ethics, ed. A. K. Kordela, et al., London: Bloomsbury, 2018: Pages 197-217

Michel Foucault. The History of Sexuality. Volume 1: An Introduction, trans. Robert Hurley. New York: Vintage Books, 1990, etc.

Giorgio Agamben, Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life (Stanford University Press), etc.

Paolo Virno, A Grammar of the Multitude (Semiotext(e))

JULY 4:  The Dialectic of Sex (Peter Bratsis / Kristin Lawler)

Firestone, Shulamith. The Dialectic of Sex : the Case for Feminist Revolution. New York :Morrow, 1970.

JULY 5: Marxism and the Body (Paul Reynolds)

Stephen R. Bates (2015) ‘The Emergent Body: Marxism, Critical Realism and the Corporeal in Contemporary Capitalist Society’, Global Society, 29:1, 128-147

John G Fox (2015) Marx, The Body and Human Nature Houndsmill: Palgrave Macmillan (Chapters 1 & 9)

Joseph Fracchia (2008) ‘The Capitalist Labour-Process and the Body in Pain:The Corporeal Depths of Marx’s Concept of Immiseration’ Historical Materialism 16 (2008) 35–66

Rosalind Pollack Petchesky (2013) The Body as Property: A Feminist Re-vision, Twenty-One

Social reproduction

Cinzia Arruzza (2016) Functionalist, Determinist, Reductionist: Social Reproduction Feminism and its Critics Science & Society, Vol. 80, No. 1, p 9–30

Women, and Capitalist Social Reproduction: Marxist Feminist Essays Historical Materialism Books Leiden Brill (Chapter 13 p278 -308)

Lise Vogel (2013) Marxism and the oppression of women: toward a unitary theory / by Lise Vogel; new introduction by Susan Ferguson and David McNally. Historical Materialism Book, Leiden Brill (New Introduction, Introduction and Ch9 & 10)


JULY 6 (UPDATE JULY 5): Abolishing the Family, Reinventing Love: ‘still the cross we’ve got to bear’ 
(Carlos Frade)

Badiou, Plato’s Republic (Polity, 2012), chapter 8, entitled Women and Families, PLUS Plato’s own take in The Republic, 449a-480a, i.e. Book V (the full significance of these issues, and of Badiou’s update, so to say, of Plato’s Republic, can be envisaged by the fact that Badiou gets rid of Adeimantus and replaces him with a feminine character, Amantha, unquestionably the most interesting character together with Socrates).

Lewis, Sophie (2019) Full Surrogacy Now – Feminism Against the Family, London: Verso

Badiou, In Praise of Love (published by The Serpent’s Tail, 2012).