Volume VIII, nos.1 & 2 (Summer 2019)
In Memoriam
Agnes Heller, 1929 — 2019 PDF
Scholarship with a Purpose
“Rage Against the Time Machine: Pessimism’s Ahistorical Ethics vs. Cynicism’s Resignation to Progress
Robert Cowan PDF
The Longest Sick Day: Gregor Samsa in the Sovereign Double Bind
Tony Iantosca PDF
White Lies: The Empty Signifier in White Supremacy and The Alt.right
Chris Knight PDF
Essays From the Cultural Front
The Trump Presidency and the Pornification of the American Dream
Dominic Wetzel PDF
Matter of Fact: Journalism and the Fait Accompli
Ross Wolfe PDF
Critical Book Review Essay
The Transindividual Orientation: A review of Jason Read’s The Politics of Transindividuality
Bruno Gulli PDF
Agnes Heller, 1929 — 2019 PDF
Scholarship with a Purpose
“Rage Against the Time Machine: Pessimism’s Ahistorical Ethics vs. Cynicism’s Resignation to Progress
Robert Cowan PDF
The Longest Sick Day: Gregor Samsa in the Sovereign Double Bind
Tony Iantosca PDF
White Lies: The Empty Signifier in White Supremacy and The Alt.right
Chris Knight PDF
Essays From the Cultural Front
The Trump Presidency and the Pornification of the American Dream
Dominic Wetzel PDF
Matter of Fact: Journalism and the Fait Accompli
Ross Wolfe PDF
Critical Book Review Essay
The Transindividual Orientation: A review of Jason Read’s The Politics of Transindividuality
Bruno Gulli PDF
About Situations:
Situations, a peer-reviewed journal, intends to address the current malaise of the radical imagination in both left theory and in popular consciousness. We aim to explore the social conditions and lived experiences that lead to this malaise and to support explanations which do not reduce political phenomena to a reflection.
The editorial collective can be reached at: editors@radicalimagination.institute