Overcoming Servitude? Deleuze and Guattari’s Anti-Oedipus with Michael Pelias
A ten week course on Wednesday evenings beginning February 24th from 7 to 9 p.m. (USA East coast “diabolical time”) with Michael Pelias presenting and facilitating.
This course will re-situate the 1972 published the “non-collaboration” (really two streams of consciousness finding a third among the many) between Gilles Deleuze, the philosopher and Felix Guattari, the militant analyst on the “in betweeness“ and break from dogmatic and dominant psychoanalysis and orthodox Marxism. No longer could we think in terms of the family makes you sick, the new family will make you well; or the new state will be a great advance and a healthier one than the old one.
Through a close (and multiple) reading of the text in ten parts ending with the decade later publication of “Rhizome” in A Thousand Plateaus (1980/1987) we hopefully will examine and encounter Desiring Machines in a new light as well as interrogating our propensities toward safety and servitude. This reading will open a new adventure in thought and practice and give us a new toolbox of concepts and understanding of the double –binds of our schizoid culture and some possible liberation from slavish morality, identity politics, and old safe havens of the isms we hold all too dear. Most of all, to recapture play and serious laughter as weapons of struggle in the pandemic era.
A syllabus will be uploaded to the Left Forum site and distributed through email.
The Deleuze and Guattari's book can be found here for sale
$125 for all 10 Sessions – Register Here!
*If you cannot pay the full price please email leftforum@leftforum.org*
1st week: Introduction and situating the text: Read Foucault’s preface (saying beforehand) and Seem’s introduction.
Desiring Machines ( why the mechanistic language – remnants of Cartesianism?)
2nd week: The Desiring Machines, 1–4, pages 1–35 – beginnings of a materialist psychiatry
3rd week: The Machines and The Whole and its Parts, pages 36–50
Psychoanalysis and Familialism: The Holy Family (Freudo-Marx synthesis and critique)
4th week: the Imperial Oedipus and three texts of Freud, connective synthesis and disjunctive synthesis, Pages 51–83
5th week: conjunctive synthesis through Reich on social and psychic repression, movement of deterritorialization and territorialities, pages 84–138
Savages, Barbarians, Civilized Men
“We are all tattoed savages.” Gustave Flaubert
6th week: The socius and Nietzsche’s genealogy with Artaud’s anti –theater and then a geology of morals (see pages 39–74 in A Thousand Plateaus, God as Lobster, double articulation). Read pages 139–183 in Anti-Oedipus.
7th week: Territorial representation to the founders of the Urstadt pages 184–221.
8th week: The Capitalist Machine to Capitalist representation, Adam Smith and Freud, pages 221- 272.
Introduction to Schizoidanalysis
9th week: From the social field to Psychoanalysis (classical and structural) and Capitalism, pages 273–321.
10th week: the two tasks of Schizoid-analysis: Forgetting Hegelian piety pages, 322–382.
Of course, if necessary, there can be an additional session that reviews the material in order to resituate the insights of this text for today’s movements and challenges.
This course will re-situate the 1972 published the “non-collaboration” (really two streams of consciousness finding a third among the many) between Gilles Deleuze, the philosopher and Felix Guattari, the militant analyst on the “in betweeness“ and break from dogmatic and dominant psychoanalysis and orthodox Marxism. No longer could we think in terms of the family makes you sick, the new family will make you well; or the new state will be a great advance and a healthier one than the old one.
Through a close (and multiple) reading of the text in ten parts ending with the decade later publication of “Rhizome” in A Thousand Plateaus (1980/1987) we hopefully will examine and encounter Desiring Machines in a new light as well as interrogating our propensities toward safety and servitude. This reading will open a new adventure in thought and practice and give us a new toolbox of concepts and understanding of the double –binds of our schizoid culture and some possible liberation from slavish morality, identity politics, and old safe havens of the isms we hold all too dear. Most of all, to recapture play and serious laughter as weapons of struggle in the pandemic era.
A syllabus will be uploaded to the Left Forum site and distributed through email.
The Deleuze and Guattari's book can be found here for sale
$125 for all 10 Sessions – Register Here!
*If you cannot pay the full price please email leftforum@leftforum.org*
1st week: Introduction and situating the text: Read Foucault’s preface (saying beforehand) and Seem’s introduction.
Desiring Machines ( why the mechanistic language – remnants of Cartesianism?)
2nd week: The Desiring Machines, 1–4, pages 1–35 – beginnings of a materialist psychiatry
3rd week: The Machines and The Whole and its Parts, pages 36–50
Psychoanalysis and Familialism: The Holy Family (Freudo-Marx synthesis and critique)
4th week: the Imperial Oedipus and three texts of Freud, connective synthesis and disjunctive synthesis, Pages 51–83
5th week: conjunctive synthesis through Reich on social and psychic repression, movement of deterritorialization and territorialities, pages 84–138
Savages, Barbarians, Civilized Men
“We are all tattoed savages.” Gustave Flaubert
6th week: The socius and Nietzsche’s genealogy with Artaud’s anti –theater and then a geology of morals (see pages 39–74 in A Thousand Plateaus, God as Lobster, double articulation). Read pages 139–183 in Anti-Oedipus.
7th week: Territorial representation to the founders of the Urstadt pages 184–221.
8th week: The Capitalist Machine to Capitalist representation, Adam Smith and Freud, pages 221- 272.
Introduction to Schizoidanalysis
9th week: From the social field to Psychoanalysis (classical and structural) and Capitalism, pages 273–321.
10th week: the two tasks of Schizoid-analysis: Forgetting Hegelian piety pages, 322–382.
Of course, if necessary, there can be an additional session that reviews the material in order to resituate the insights of this text for today’s movements and challenges.