The Institute for the Radical Imagination presents:
A ten-week seminar with Michael Pelias
Beginning Wednesday, January 31st
at 6:30 PM EST
A ten-week seminar with Michael Pelias
Beginning Wednesday, January 31st
at 6:30 PM EST
Volume I of Critique of Dialectical Reason
Search for a Method
hermeneutic and practical relevance of the late Sartre’s monumental engagement with Marx in Volume I of Critique of Dialectical Reason (1960 Editions Gallimard, and 1976, 1st Verso edition). Beginning with Sartre’s radical conversion to Historical Materialism, a reading of the Question of Method, our
course of inquiry will involve an adventure of Hegelian reconciliation betwee individual praxis and collective action, marking crucial distinctions betwee dogmatic and critical dialectic, constituted and constituent dialectic, defining and shaping groups in fusion, and the practico-inert with new forms of alienation and demoralization.
This seminar will involve a close reading of the text and attempt an understanding
of the processes of dialectical totalization, often confused with totalitarian thinking. We will try to penetrate the movement of dialectical circularity and History through the brilliant paths opened by Sartre in this work.
A weekly syllabus will be available for the schedule of readings and the historical thematics involved.
$175 for ten sessions or $20 per session.
To register for the seminar, please follow this link: